Smart City Bad Vilbel
The business city of the future is to be created in Bad Vilbel. SWR GmbH was involved in development work for the 800-million-euro project. Located in the centre of the Quellenpark development district, the project will provide space for 6,500 people to live and work in the future.
We laid a DN 200 PN 16 high-pressure gas pipeline, a d225 medium-pressure gas pipeline and a d315 PE drinking water pipeline over a length of 260 m.
- Customer:
- Stadtwerke Bad Vilbel
- Place of execution:
- Bad Vilbel
- Duration of project:
- August 2019 - April 2020
- Execution:
- Südwestdeutsche Rohrleitungsbau GmbH
- Contract value:
- 0,27 Mio. EUR