All-inclusive package: All networks
Everything from a single supplier – assured quality from the system service provider
Gas, heating, water, electricity, communications and waste water: Complex systems require multi-sector expertise and perfect coordination. Matched to needs, integrated all-inclusive solutions offer many financial advantages.
Opt for a central contact person and thus decades of experience, extensive expertise and exceptional team strength.
Our service portfolio:
- Complete development of new build areas
- Cross-trade implementation of projects, including complex ones
- Construction of complete supply lines
- Construction of all building connections – for all services
- Trench backfilling using liquid soil method
- Project engineering and planning of all infrastructure services

Our references

Pipeline construction – complete package in detail
- Heating, AGFW approval, FW 601, FW 1
- Gas, DVGW approval, GW 301, G1, R2
- Water, DVGW approval, GW 301, W1, R2
- Electricity, certified to RAL-GZ 962-2
- Sewer system, certified to RAL-GZ 961, Group AK2
- Trench backfilling using liquid soil method (certified to RAL-GZ 507 Group A1/H1)
- All civil engineering and surface works